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If you're exhibiting, we have a points competition. Make as many copies of the NABSSAR Babydoll Southdown Point Record Form as you need. Take them with you, fill them out, and have the Superintendent sign them. Mail them, within 14 days of the show, to the address listed on the form.

ONLY NABSSAR registered sheep, entered using their NABSSAR registration number, qualify for points.

Points will be awared as follows: Supreme champion = 7; Grand Champion = 5; Reserve Champion = 3; 3rd = 1
There will be one winner per year calendar year, January through December.
If there is a tie, the top two (2) will be awarded a prize.
Examples of prizes are: tack, blankets, shirts, gift cards, hand shears, show halter with exhibitor's name on it, show bag, etc.

NABSSAR Babydoll Southdown Point Record Form

Do you have a question about showing? Contact our show committee. Stormie (Bug) Housend, Taven Housend, & their mother, Beth Housend, helps them too.

Stomie (Bug) Housend
22205 Mahogany Rd
Kaplan, LA 70548
337-382-6861 Send Email

Taven Housend
22205 Mahogany Rd
Kaplan, LA 70548
337-522-6356 Send Email

Updated as of 03/13/2024