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If you have any questions regarding your membership or transfers, please contact the Associated Registry (AR) at:

Mailing address:

AHSA/Associated Registry
PO Box 27
Sedalia, MO 65302-0027

Street address (carriers requiring a street address for delivery, such as UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc.):

AHSA/Associated Registry
3141 W Broadway Blvd Ste C
Sedalia, MO 65301-2485

Telephone: 660-851-0101

Send Email
Be sure to put 'NABSSAR' in the SUBJECT LINE

CoR = Certificate of Registry

You must be a member of the NABSSAR to transfer sheep ownership from the previous owner (as indicated by the registrar's signature on the CoR) to oneself.

Before submitting any paperwork to transfer sheep, please become a member and obtain your membership number. You will receive a welcome letter with your membership number and other information from the AR within two weeks of their receipt of your application, not including mailing/post time, usually sooner.


Additional Information:
I. Examples of proper photos.
When taking head shot / ear tag photos for registrations/transfers:
II. Regarding ear tags:
a. If the sheep is ever re-tagged, for any reason, the owner* of the sheep MUST send the ORIGINAL CoR to the registrar.  Use the Ear Tag Update Request form. The ear tag information updates will be made on the CoR by the registry. The cost is $5.50.

b. You MUST be the last current owner* already listed on the CoR for the sheep in order to request the ear tag information of the sheep be updated by the registry.
c. A sheep may not be able to be registered and/or transferred if the paperwork or the CoR ear tag number information does not match the ear tag on the sheep. When purchasing a sheep, filling out paperwork on a sheep, etc., please check, double check, even triple check the sheep you have is the sheep listed on the paperwork or the CoR.

* Owner = a sheep's Certificate of Registry (CoR) lists the owner of the sheep. It is either the owner listed on the front; OR, the last person the sheep was transferred to, listed on the back of the CoR the NABSSAR registrar has signed off on. A transfer of a sheep making a person an owner is only valid if the Approved by and the Approved date lines have been filled in by our registrar and the NABSSAR's official records reflect the transfer.

Did You Know?

Did you have a registered sheep leave your flock without its Certificate of Registry (CoR) as a non-papered sheep? If you are the last official owner of the sheep (your name is the last one on a sheep's CoR and your ownership has been approved by the registrar) and this was the case, you have the option of having the sheep's record noted as such.
To do so, contact the Associated Registry (ASR) in writing, by doing the following, and they will add a note to the sheep's records.

1) Send the original CoR with the transfer section noted “No longer in flock, left as non-papered.” and the date this happened.
2) Once this process is completed, it cannot be undone.
3) No further official transfers will be completed for the sheep. No further offspring of the sheep will be registered.

Updated as of 08/2024