This page contains information pertaining to joining the NABSSAR. Please feel free to Contact Us if you need assistance.
If you are currently a NABSSAR member, your sheep are already registered in the NABSSAR REGISTRY and you have questions regarding your membership or your registrations please contact:
420A Lincoln
PO Box 231
Wamego, KS 66547
Telephone: 785-456-8500
Initial Membership and Membership Renewals are completed using our online Membership form. Up to four members (using the
same membership number) can be added in a single session. If
there are more than four members, repeat the process.
When joining the Association, along with the submittal of fees, you are
agreeing to the Terms of Membership outlined below.
Yearly Memberships run from January 1 through December 31 of each year. Memberships are renewable each year by January 1st. Yearly Membership renewals received after January 31st will incur a $25.00 late fee, per member, with the exception of Lifetime memberships, which are paid once. Memberships are not prorated. For instance, if a person joins in October, membership fees are again due by January 1st for the following year.
The NABSSAR offers reduced membership fees for Junior members. Some fairs' rules require sheep to be registered only in the name of the person exhibiting the sheep and some allow for multiple owners. If a Junior member needs a sheep registered in their name only for exhibiting or because they want to solely own their sheep, they should apply for their own membership number by choosing a Junior membership. It may be helpful to speak with your 4-H or FFA leader to help decide.
1) An Adult is for 22 and over. The age you are on
December 31st, of the year prior to the year you are applying for,
determines Adult or Junior pricing.
December 31, 2023 you are 21 = Junior for 2024; December 31, 2023 you
are 22, = Adult for 2024.
2) A group (same membership number) can be one, or more persons.
3) All members in a group “own” the sheep and any
lambs born.
4) A group's members do not have to be in the same family.
Family is defined as a group of two or more persons related by birth,
marriage, or adoption.
5) The Lifetime Adult Dual is meant for two people that are married or
in a domestic relationship. A domestic relationship is
defined as couples, who live together and share a common domestic life,
but are not married (to each other or to anyone else). It is
not for parent/child.
6) All members of the group must pay a membership fee.
7) To leave a group, the registrar must receive a request in writing.
8) A Junior group will NOT have any Adult members in it.
9) A group with at least one (1) Adult member has only 1 vote
regardless of the number of Adult members.
your Flock or Farm Name (to use when registering lambs).
There is a one-time fee of $10.00 to do so. If you, at any time, want
to change your farm name, another $10.00 will be due. This farm or
ranch name will be the prefix name of all the sheep you
register. If you do not have a farm or ranch name, you may
use your last name as your farm or ranch name. (Keep in mind
when choosing your name; our registry’s database is only
capable of approximately 27 characters when naming your sheep. If you
have a long flock or farm
name, it will have to be shortened when added to the name you give your
sheep.) Farm names are important in naming
your sheep.
When anyone reads a pedigree, when they see the sheep's name, they know
what farm that sheep originated at by reading the first part of the
name, which is always your registered farm name.
Example of naming sheep: (Flock/farm
name first.)(Complete scrapie tag ID # second.)(Sheep name
third, not required.)
Example: McDonald KY1234-0847 Susie (This is 27 characters
including spaces.)
If you do not already have a premise ID and flock ID which
would enable you to acquire your own scrapie tags, you may use this
link to request them.
Effective August 1, 2021, members must use their sheep's complete
scrapie tag ID # to register sheep. Farm tags will not be
allowed for registration purposes. If your sheep lose their
tags, or you have lambs born on your farm, your assigned scrapie tag
would need to be used. The flock ID (ex. KY1234) is unique. Every
premise in the USA is assigned their own,
unique flock ID. The animal ID (ex. 0001, 0002, 2002, etc.)
is unique to the animal. This means the number on the tag in
the sheep's ear is unique to the animal and identifies the origin, or
if replaced, where the animal has lived. International
members use the official ID required by your country.
The APHIS/USDA recommends, per shearers' request, tags are attached to
the sheep's left ear. For two piece tags, the female
piece/half (button) goes inside the ear and the male piece/half goes
(the point) on the outside of the ear. For the one-piece
tags, put the piece with the flock/animal ID number on the inside of
the ear to make photo taking for registration easier.
You may include your Personal URL Website Address on our Members List Page for $10.00 per year or $150.00 for a lifetime subscription. (Your website must promote NABSSAR Babydoll Southdown Sheep; Babydoll Southdown related services, and/or Babydoll Southdown items.)
Articles of Incorporation & Bylaws, the Addendum, the Code of Ethics, and our Handbook.