Welcome to the North American BABYDOLL Southdown Sheep Association and Registry.
This year, 2025, we celebrate 22 years of serving the Babydoll Southdown community as a non-profit corporation.

Whether this is your first visit, or you are already raising and breeding BABYDOLL Southdowns, we invite you to take a look at all the NABSSAR has to offer, and then, get involved. Join, register your sheep, and participate in our Association and Registry whose goal is to preserve the standards of the breed and to help our members reach new enthusiasts and put a BABYDOLL Southdown in every yard.

If you are new to BABYDOLL Southdowns, get ready to fall in love with these charming creatures, just as each of us has before you. Learn about the intelligent, quiet, and docile temperament of these critters. Their diminutive size makes them perfect for hobby farms, mini farms or rural homes with smaller acreage but they manage just fine on large farms too.

The BABYDOLL Southdown is the perfect choice if you are a spinner. How wonderful is it spin the fiber from your own pet? Knowing and owning the animal the fiber came from adds a special quality to the experience.

Whatever your interest in BABYDOLL Southdowns, you have come to the right place. WE truly offer something for everyone.

Our 2025 calendar cover photo winner.
Photo by Betsy DeKoster, Bluegrass Babydolls, Lawrenceburg, KY

January - Casey Nicholas, Cordon-on-Branch, Shaver Lake, CA
February - Tammy Wall, Rosie's Little Flock, Perkins, OK
March - Cindy Bollack, Vineyard Grazers, North Lewisburg, OH
April - Raysha Rhea, Rhea Farms, Florence, AL
May - Tamara, Riley, Avery, & Logan Joyer, Joyer Lane, Litchfield, MN
June - Krisona Scott, Early to Rise Acres, Labadie, MO
July - Norma Dowling, Double Dowling Sheep Company, North Berwick, ME
August - Kellie Widner, Widner Farm, Seymour, TN
September - Jean D'Angelo, Rustic Ridge Ranch, Menomonie, WI
October - Landon & Keisha Schmidt, Black Sheep-Spirit Ranch, Zap, ND
November - Jourdan Heape, Paup, Atascadero, CA
December - Michelle Schubert, Bergamascos' Babydoll Brigade, Stamping Ground, KY

Order Your Calendar

Photo by Betsy DeKoster, Bluegrass Babydolls, Lawrenceburg, KY
Updated 01/2025